MyAppleMenu - Tue, Apr 21, 2015

Tue, Apr 21, 2015The Speaking-Through-iPad Edition

Change The World

The iPad uses an app called Grid 2, which allows users who cannot speak themselves to select words and sentences that can be played through the iPad’s speakers.

Ian said: "It really is life changing for the children that need it. It’s so much more than just speech, it’s about be able to communicate with your friends, teachers, peers and family."

Security Matters

AFNetworking recently had a major security flaw. Due to lack of SSL cert validation, the proverbial coffee shop attacker could easily bypass SSL and see all your app's user credentials and banking data. We decided to track down apps that were still using the vulnerable version of AFNetworking and notify their developers so they could patch the flaw.

About 1,500 iPhone and iPad apps contain an HTTPS-crippling vulnerability that makes it easy for attackers to intercept encrypted passwords, bank-account numbers, and other highly sensitive information, according to research released Monday.

Freedom Versus Battery Life

I don’t expect Apple to open up watch faces to arbitrary designs, even when the full Apple Watch SDK ships later this year. If they do allow third-party faces, I think it’ll be through design partners hand-selected by Apple. (The Mickey face is arguably an example of this already.) The idea of fully-customizable watch faces is right in the sweet spot between the differing philosophies of Google (anything goes) and Apple (tightly controlled).

All Mac looks like a Mac. All iPhones looks like an iPhone. What makes an Apple Watch an Apple Watch? Not the honeycomb-like App screen, but the Watch Face. I highly doubt Apple will allow all kinds of watch faces to represent the Apple Watch.

(Oh, and we can squeeze in a bit more battery life if we design the faces a certain way? Bonus!)

P.S.: I will be a little disappointed if there aren't different watch faces for my iPhone's lock screen this fall.


When I let Photos upload as it wishes, my broadband connection is flooded in a manner I don’t think I’ve ever seen other synchronization software do. It grabs every available slot, making even downstream activities, like retrieving a webpage, become glacial or fail. Yes, even a few bytes of an website request are overwhelmed by the might of Photos.

TextBar is an awesome app which solves a problem that I have been struggling with for at least three years: “How can I put some text into the menu bar, such as the output of a shell script?”


Our goal as a programmer is to polish the product, not the code. If we wish to be effective in our role we must be addressing the features, not the tools. We need to understand the true source of value in our product.


When it comes to obsessively meticulous attention to detail, it seems Apple employees could learn something from Glenn Gould. At the company's internal Apple University — a somewhat secretive institution by reputation — professor Joshua Cohen delivers three-hour seminars on the late, great Canadian pianist to classes of 15 students.

After sharing its latest Environmental Responsibility report this morning, Apple this evening has added a new Earth Day 2015 section to the App Store. The section highlights content that contribute to environmental awareness, as well as apps that promote green living and going paperless.

Apple on Monday issued the 2015 edition of its Environmental Responsibility report, trumpeting attempts to reduce the company's contributions to problems like climate change and resource depletion, while admitting gaps in managing its carbon footprint.

The left-wing politicians want you to thank them for the watch instead of thanking Apple. And they want to seize a larger share of Apple’s profits in taxes so they can spend the money on things that are a lot less useful than Apple products.

Other People's Servers

Here’s a wakeup call to audio creators everywhere: SoundCloud does not recognize your fair use rights under U.S. copyright law. If your content contains any copyrighted material to which you haven’t secured the rights — even if you have a valid fair use claim — SoundCloud may take it down at any time.

Parting Words

So you're telling me there's no restaurant in D.C. called "West Wings"? Seems like a wasted opportunity.

— Mark S. Luckie (@marksluckie) April 20, 2015

Thanks for reading.