
The Intertwined-Services Edition Monday, May 24, 2021

The Two Faces Of Find My, by Adam Engst, TidBITS

Find My is two services packaged into one and named almost identically. It’s worth understanding the difference between these distinct, intertwined Find My services, because an individual user—much like one of Glenn’s fictional characters—might not want to participate in the global crowdsourced Find My network for philosophical reasons.


M1 iPad Pro Can Download iPadOS Software Updates Over 5G, by José Adorno, 9to5Mac

With a 5G model of the fifth-generation 12.9-inch iPad Pro or the third-generation 11-inch iPad Pro, users can enable “higher data-usage features for apps and system tasks.”

Hermès AirTag Unavailable In Any Version; Possible Quality Issue, Ben Lovejoy, 9to5Mac

All three of the Hermès AirTag products sold on Apple’s website are showing as “Currently Unavailable” when attempting to order them. [...] One 9to5Mac reader believes this may be over a quality issue he experienced with his Hermès Key Ring.


Why I Prefer Making Useless Stuff, by Austin Z. Henley

Funny enough, Titus Barik published a paper that contributes a qualitative analysis on the sentiment of programming and play on Hacker News. The themes he found include play as artistry, catalyst, fun, playgrounds, spontaneity, tinkering, and anti-work. There is a quote that I particularly like, "The joy of programming for programming's sake is something you do in your own time."

Bottom of the Page

On day 3 after my second dose of Moderna, my arm is no longer sore -- unless I press my fingers on the spot. Horray.

Now, I am just waiting for the 14 days... and nothing in my life will have changed. Singapore is extremely unlikely to follow US guidelines that allowed people to go out without masks.


Thanks for reading.