Tuesday, January 1, 2002
Top Stories
Reactions To "Tales Of A BeOS Refugee"
Because it was impossible to respond to everyone individually, and because I thought many people would appreciate being able to read these comments and my reactions to them, I've assembled this addendum.
SPR Issues "Outperform" Rating On Apple
Gassee Resigns From Software Maker Be
Gassese's departure is not surprising, but marks the latest sad chapter for a company that strived for more than 10 years to create a new operating system to compete with Apple, Microsoft and others.
Unsanity Releases FruitMenu For OS X
FruitMenu lets users totoally redefine the behavior of the Apple menu.
A Macworld After All
Rumors abound as SF braces for big news from Apple founder.
Consumers Were Winners This Year In Tech World
It's an underdog in a Windows world, but the Macintosh maker's frenzy of innovation in 2001 often put PC-product makers to shame.
Hess Memorial Macworld Events List Up & Running
Ilene Hoffman's compilation of where to go and what to do does more than simply tell you where to score free food.
Protecting Your Mac From Net Nuisances
While most attacks from hackers, worms, viruses and Trojan horses are aimed at Windows-based computers, Macintosh machines are not impervious to Internet-related security problems.
2001 The Year Technology Shrunk
Last century we built supersonic airliners and went to the Moon. As we get going on this one, technology is getting smaller and more personal instead of bigger and further away.
A Look Ahead: How 5 Technologies Will Fare In 2002
I'm inclined to think that 10.2 will be the most important release of all.
Ruminations Of A Gadget Junkie: iGo?
Even if Apple does not slap its brand on the Danger Hiptop, I want one.
Apple: What You Should Know About ESO Grants
Companies typically are run for the benefit of executives, and not shareholders, because executives are the ones in control, and shareholders seldom are aware of what is going on.
Microsoft Office X
Microsoft has done a superb job of impleneting the nuances of OS X to Office X. However, in each program there are aspects that should have been better.
Audible.com Raises Bar On Audio Books
The software runs on Windows and Macintosh computers, though it does not currently allow transfers from a Mac to a digital player.
Routers Are The Hot Ticket
Once relegated to the wiring closets of Fortune 1000 corporations, routers have been rather spectacularly outed by the growing need for connectivity and security for home networks connected to the Internet.
Any questions for David Pogue, author of Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, and other books? Send 'em in!
Mr Barrett What if Apple's big announcement next Monday has little to do with hardware at all? Let the speculations, er, continue!
I blame New York Times' Technology web page for forcing me to switch off the sound of my PowerBook, causing me to, er..., miss all that multimedia stuff on the web.
Kottke: Now I'm getting spam about spam protection services.
Look Back At A Viral Year
A number of computer viruses and worms reared their ugly heads in 2001 and cost PC users billions.