
Mac news for Mac people

Sunday, August 15, 2004


Inside Cult Of Mac

Welcome to a small but passionate community that includes doctors, corporate honchos, housewives, technicians and students. The Cult of Mac is spreading slowly, but rock steadily, in Calcutta.

Apple Releases Safari Update For Jaguar Users

The new v1.0.3 release "improves the Safari rendering engine to expand third party application support and delivers the latest security enhancements."


Who Ever Heard Of An Apple For The Students?

An iPod! For nothing! A free, 20-GB MP3 player for jack diddly squat! I don't want to overreact here, but when I got to school, it took my dorm three weeks to furnish a reliable supply of toilet paper!

Riding Out A Hurricane With Apple Technology

At this point, it's just me, my PowerBook, and my iPod. Thank goodness for Apple technology, eh?

The Boy Who Cried 'Mac Tablet'

After all Apple's protestations to the contrary, could this really be the year of the Mac Tablet?

What If Steve Jobs Had Stayed Back In Benares?

In the early '70s, a stoned hippie called Steve Jobs arrived in Benares looking for nirvana.


iPod's Still The Apple Of My Ear, Even With A Walkman In Hand

"How's it compare to the iPod?" "Battery life is a lot longer, up to 30 hours." "The LCD readout is kind of dim." "Battery life is a lot longer." "I understand it can't play MP3 files." "Battery life is a lot longer." Sense a theme here?


Software Worthy Of Stealing

The Mac OS is in John Dvorak's Top 10 Most Important Software Programs, ever.

Remember The Good Old Days?

Make That iBook-Pad Already

Scobleizer: I think it'd be nuts for Apple to not do [a tablet PC].

All the components are there. The question is whether Apple can do one that is good and cheap.

Count The Pods

How many iPods can you spot in the Olympics?

Push For Your iPod?

Dave Winer wants fresh content off the Internet onto his iPod everytime he does a sync. Don't you want too?


Is Microsoft's Firewall Secure?

While the firewall in Windows XP Service Pack 2 is an improvement, it falls short of the standard of protection expected of commercial firewalls, according to some industry observers.

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