
Mac news for Mac people

Friday, November 18, 2005


iPods Invade This Year's List Of Hottest Toys

Podcasts May Create Class Test Driving

Students may soon be able to preview professors by accessing podcasts of lectures.

Disney's Iger Views iTunes Arrangement As 'Incremental Consumption'

Walt Disney CEO Robert Iger said Thursday he doesn't expect the media company's recent decision to offer episodes of "Desperate Housewives" and "Lost" on iTunes to cannibalize the company's bread-and-butter broadcasting business. Instead, he said, he views the offering as an opportunity to generate incremental revenue.

iPods To Support Copy-Protected CDs?

The EMI Group record label said music from its copy-protected CDs will soon play on Apple's iPod digital music players, but the iPod maker disagrees.

FrontRow Updated To Version 1.0.1

Cardinal Warns Parents About Giving Wireless Devices As Christmas Gifts

iPods, PDAs and video cell phones can easily send and receive pornography, much of it unsolicited.

Apple Store Coming To manchester, UK This Saturday

Apple Seen As Top Pick In PC Market

"Within the PC market, we continue to prefer the profitable share gainers with compelling product cycles, with Apple as our top pick."


Your Friendship Based On An iPod

There are four easily discernible levels of friendship revealed via the iPod friendship test.

Bring Back A Proper Textual Drag And Drop


iMac G5: The Best Gets Better

Thunderbird, A Free, Powerful Alternative To Mail

I recommend it because it is a great alternative to Apple Mail and because it has a tremendous future.

Making The Most Of Your iPod With Internet Radio

iFill could be a truly handy little piece of software for all iPod owners, assuming it now works on Windows as well as it does on the Mac.

In Praise Of Xcode

Xcode is, I think, one of the unsung heroes of the Mac OS X era.


Rumor Today: Smaller Shuffle

AppleInsider: A second-generation iPod shuffle digital music player from Apple will be noticeably smaller than the existing model and could seen an introduction as early as January.

Warning: keep out of reach of children under 3, 'cause they will eat it.

More Pieces Of The Intel Puzzle

James Duncan Davidson discovers that the latest Java update is ready for Intel too.

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