
Mac news for Mac people

Tuesday, March 7, 2006


Why iPods Are Refreshing Parts Teachers Can't Reach

Whether it's podcasting lessons to students, composing music, or directing movies to be broadcast online, ICT and creativity are catching on.

Mac OS X Hacker Tale Rebuked

Apple Falls On Analyst Intel Gloom

Apple shares fell last night after analyst firm Thomas Weisel warned the Intel transition may be 'proving difficult.'

Bare Bones Releases BBEdit 8.2.5

Vermont Community Uses iPod To Reach Voters

Add an iPod to Norman Rockwell's iconic image of Vermont's town meetings.

Ultrawideband To Add New Wireless Options

It's likely that battery-powered portable electronics such as cell phones and MP3 players will eventually receive the biggest benefit from UWB because of its extremely low power usage.

Brian Petersen: Fast Friends Fashion First Feature

"The truth is we could never have pulled this off — not in our wildest dreams — if not for two crucial factors: our close friendship and our Mac computers."


Sniveling About Steve Jobs

As usual, Steve is way ahead of the curve. He's about to invade everyone's home, while the clueless are still obsessing about yesterday's iPod Nation... and getting mad at him for being far ahead of the curve. Get over it.


Logitech Vies For Mac Desktop

The S 530 is the perfect co-star for a Mac mini and a good replacement fo your standard Mac perpherals thanks to the handy shortcut butons to control your iTunes' playlists, launch iPhoto and use Spotlight amongst other stuff.

The New Notebook By Mac A Good Buy

BBEdit Vs. TextMate

In A Docktopus's Garden

I appreciate the approch that Startly has taken to providing contextual information and utilities via items that are already guaranteed to be in the Dock, but being joined at the hip to the Dock also means that Docktopus will be used primarily to people who are geeky enough to want instant access to the kind of information and capabilities that Docktopus provides without being the kind of peole who run many applications simultaneously or who store many items in their Docks.

Even With Intel Inside, New MacBook Is Easy To Like

In short, it's everything a good notebook should be.

Upgrades To iPhoto Worth Seeing, Using


Go West

We will fly so high
Tell all our friends goodbye
We will start life new
This is what we'll do.

Thanks to the Pet Shop Boys and the iPod, this is the song that is stuck in my head this morning.

And thanks to the power of the internet, I can try to get it stuck in your head too.

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