
Mac news for Mac people

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Intel Chief Sings iPhone's Praises

Apple's iPhone is forcing a new wave of mobile device innovation and validates the speriority of Unix-like systems on mobile devices over Windows, claimed Intel chief executive Paul Otellini.

Google/Apple Working On More 'New Things'

"We have similar goals, similar competitors."

Airport Extreme Does Seinfeldian DHCP Reservations

It's possible for another computer to get the reserved address first.

Apple Updates iTunes And QuickTime

iTunes 7.1 appears to add additional support for the upcoming release of Apple TV, which is due out later this month.

Memo: Microsoft Threatened To Shut Down Mac Office In '97

Microsoft threatened to dump the Macintosh version of Office 10 years ago during talks with Apple because the mvoe would "do a great deal of harm" to its rival, according to a memo made public in a recently-settled antitrust case.

Adobe To Announce Creative Suite 3 Marh 27

While the announcement is being made this month, Adobe said the product would not ship until later this spring.

Chronos Releases SOHO Notes 5.7

Doubts Raised Over Motorola, Apple AIDS Charity Campaign

According to Advertising Age, as much as $100m splurged on advertising Red products by Gap, Motorola and Apple has returned just $18m to the Global Fund.


Steve Jobs, Spymaster

It's true that Jobs is very secretive — but he certainly doesn't play devious spy games.

Show Me

It's always been about missing facts. Explaining what we don't know, rather than what we know.

Making The Move To Mac

The most notable thing is what's missing. I don't see any wizards, the OS asks very few questions and it just seems to always know the right thing to do with little user input.

Three Years Of Using A Mac (Was The AppleCare Worth It?)

Sure, I could have saved a few dollars by having a 3rd party perform this most recent repair, but what about the peace of mind over this three year period?

Steve Jobs' Bad Bet

The great seer of tech trends had no idea what was coming — indeed, no idea how much his company, or he himself, was really worth.


24-inch iMac Is Nearly Perfect

For those who need, or just want, something that'll look good and work great for a good long while, it's going to be tough to beat this 24-inch wonder — or even to come close.


Slow News Days

There's an announcement about there being going to be an announcement. There's another announcement about there may be more announcements.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother. :-)

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