
Mac news for Mac people

Thursday, March 22, 2007


BeLight Software Ships Switft Publisher 2.0

BeLight Software today announced the release of Swift Publisher 2.0, a new version to its page layout application for designing and printing flyers, newsletter, brochures, booklets, etc.

Research Firm Says Apple Notebook Number Miscalculated

Apple Had 4.1% Of Total Notebook Computer Market In 4Q06


How Did Apple Blow It With QuickTime VR?

QuickTime VR should have been a contender.

Loyalty Vs Perference

The reality of a brand's success and apparent customer loyalty comes down to little more than choice. Or rather, preference.

Apple TV's Blurry Future

Wouldn't it be great if iTunes were a one-stop source for all online video? One can always hope the studios will "get it" and just fall in line. But given the fractious and fragmented nature of the entertainment industry, I wouldn't bet on it.

We Get It; Apple TV Is Not A DVR

Simple Truths About Cross-Platform Apps

Developing an application specifically for the Mac will allow you to do things that are not possible with a cross-platform toolkit.

For Security, You Can't Beat Mac OS X

This hints that OS X might be a tough nut for hackers to crack and that this is keeping malware under control.

Why Did Cingular Want The iPhone?

According to my source, Cingular/AT&T will assign virtually no marketing costs to the iPhone. With Apple taking the lead in marketing the phone, Cingular/AT&T believes they'll just have to sit back and rake in the money.

Apple Products As Collectibles

I know I am not the only one who views Apple products as collectibles.

iTunes: Why Does The 'Get Info' Command Not Take An Ellipsis?

Make iTunes more consistent with your own guidelines!

A Cheap Way To Beef Up Apple TV As A DVR?

Apple bloggers and anlysts suspect that may not be a problem for long, noting the as-yet unitilized USB port on the set-top box.

10 Reasons Why The $300 iDongle Is Not For Me

Why not just buy a Mac Mini, use Elgato's EyeTV, and skip the middle man?

My Digital Life: On Keeping Stuff

I have no problem tossing magazines. So why did I feel like a murderer on Sunday when I trashed that episode of Bones where Brennan gets blown up after dancing in Bones' apartment?

How Smart Are Your Playlists?

With so many options to choose from, the opportunities are seemingly limitless.

Security Experts Befuddled By Lack Of OS X Malware

Those poor security experts! They've been telling us for ages and ages that malware on OS X was imminent. That it was right around the corner, lurking like some sort Any day now.


Mac Reloaded: The MacBook Pro Experience

Apple TV Has Landed

If you stay within the Apple ecosystem — use its online store, its jukebox software and so on — you get a seamless, trouble-free experience, with a greater selection of TV shows and movies than you can find from any other online store.

From PC To TV — Via Apple

It's a beautifully designed, easy-to-use product that should be very attractive to people with widescreen TV sets and lots of music, videos, and photos stored on computers.


Springtime For Leopard

It's officially spring, or at least where Steve Jobs' office is. (Down here in Singapore where I am, there is only one official season: hot and sweaty.) That means that we can expect Leopard to spring (sorry) on us any Tuesday now.

After what seems like a season of nothingness from Apple, it sure is exciting now that Steve Jobs is getting ready to show us what super-duper ultra-uber new stuff that Apple has been keeping in drapes to hide from that big photocopy machine up north.

I just hope it's just not a new check box in iTunes to support iPod Hi-Fi II. :-)

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