
Mac news for Mac people

Sunday, October 3, 2004


iChat AV For Jaguar Official EOL'd

If you were still waiting for a good reason to upgrade your OS — this is a pretty good one.

iPod Wins 'Gold' In Japan's 'Good Design Awards'


Stand Up, Maui Queen

Sometimes, organizations make mistakes that seem completely innocent — until... they try and cover it up.


New iMac Looks Good, Works Even Better

Whether it's used for serious applications or just plain Web surfing, the iMac does the job efficiently and well.

Mac OS X For The Traveler, Part 5

In this final installment, F.J. shares some of his most clever tips for surviving on the road.

Power Mac G5 Dual 2.5GHz

The machine runs quietly, is stable, and fasat. The elegant, brushed aluminum design makes the machine a showpiece as opposed to something to be hidden under the desk.

iMac G5

The iMac offers a surprising amount of punch with very few limitations.


Rumor Today: Layoffs Hits FileMaker Development Team

Think Secret: Insiders suggest that up to 13 develoeprs, or one-third of FileMaker's development team, were axed in recent weeks.


Gates Undaunted By Linux

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