
Mac news for Mac people

Wednesday, October 6, 2004


Apple Battle Faces Delay As Computer Firm Ditches Lawyer

Apple has dropped law firm Linklaters from an ongoing legal battle with the Beatles' record label Apple Corp over the use of the Apple name to sell music-related products. It is believed that Apple decided to switch legal teams after Linklaters raised the possibility of a settlement said in legal circles to be close to US$35.65 million, far higher than Apple's expectations.

Analyst: Poor iMac Sales, PowerMac Delays To Hurt Apple Stock

Soleil analyst Shannon Cross wrote she is concerned the G5 iMac might not be selling as well as many expected.

Zacks: Investors May Want To Consider Taking Bite Out Of Apple

AT&T Looks Into Closing Its Windows

Network services giant AT&T is evaluating different operating systems, including Linux and Mac OS X, as alternatives to Windows for internal use.

Ballmer's iPod Slur Memory Lapse

"I don't know what I said exactly, but it was bad."


What's New In Virtual PC 7?

"Only Microsoft can make Windows emulation better," some had pointed out. They had a good point, and the new release of Virtual PC 7 may go some way to supporting their view.

Podcasting: One Small Step Toward Unity

Combining the hard drive of a music player with the modem-like functionality of a mobile phone is a no-brainer. Adding the computing power of a game machien and an organizer is the next step.


iMac G5: The All-In-One Computer Redefined

The iMac G5 is truly a "family computer" and was designed as such.

An Introduction To RubyCocoa, Part 1

You Synchronize... Correctly

Republic: The Revolution

Republic is an excellent strategy game that has a unique offering in the whole political scheme of things.

Stunning iMac G5 Is A Marvel On The Inside, Too

The new G5 iMac is the finest personal computer I've ever used, hands down. Nothing comes close.


Just Because I Can

Gizmodo: "I'm sure that you'd be breaking hundreds of license agreements and the like to do it, but someone has figured out how to install Mac OS X onto an Xbox."


Microsoft: Dividing To Conquer

How do you grow your market once you've saturated it? Microsoft's bet: Slice and dice your core product.

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