
Mac news for Mac people

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Top Stories

Gates Vs. Jobs: The Rematch

In many ways, the story sounds eerily familiar.


London's Apple Blossoms

Shoppers crave it for Christmas with a near religious fervour, but now those who revere Apple's iPod music player will be able to worship their icon at a high-street temple. Europe's first flagship Apple Store is about to open in Britain.

Mac Fans Attack Schools' PC Plan

As school districts across the country have become more and more PC-driven, Mac lovers have held on with a vengeance.


Apple's Latest Development iPod Photo Seems Unfocused

Ultimately, the iPod will successfully transcend its original mission, of a jewel-like, musical companion, to something beyond audio. It hasn't yet.

Apple iPod Photo 60GB


Real Ghost Sighting?

A real ghost sighting, or another urban legend? You decide whether the whispering or the white mist that are being captured in this commercial are real or fake.



Microsoft Takes Lead In Software For Handhelds

For the past three months, gadgets running the software giant's Windows Mobile operating system outsold Palm handhelds, finally overtaking a rival that first popularized the electronic datebook organizers in the mid-1990s.

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