
Mac news for Mac people

Monday, November 15, 2004


Burberry iPod Cases

If you've got $200 burning a hole in your daddy's credit card, the plaid lads of Burberry are selling two new iPod cases at each of their 5 US stores.

Audio Hijack 2.2 Adds New Features

The new version adds an AIFF sample rate selector, a "Stop Recording After" setting, two new post-processing scripts and several other features.

HP And The Mac: A Love Affair

Patent For Wireless iPod Turns Up


This One Goes To Eleven

The iPod Photo has been causing me some headaches. Mostly because the hype has been so strong around the Mac web, but no one has really been able to tell me why I'd want one.

The Time Of Your Life

Come on, stop reading so many weblogs, focus!


Podcasting Overloading In My Mac Life

It's up and running: one of my favorite radio show, Your Mac Life, has the first "official" podcast up on the net. You can download the MP3 manually, or you can subscribe to the XML feed via iPodderX so that this and future podcast can be automatically pushed to your iPod.

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