
Mac news for Mac people

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Top Stories

iPod Shuffle, Mac Mini Draw Crowds At Apple Stores

The word of the day at Apple retail outlets in California was "Shuffle."


For Apple Faithful, More Hope Than Help

The recent success of Apple's iPod has Macintosh fans salivating over a brighter future. But analysts doubt that the pouplar music player — and Apple's new $500 Mac mini — can really cause mass conversions.

Birth Of An Industry: iPod Loading

The rising popularity of Apple's sleek iPod has created a new niche service: the professional iPod loader.

Mac Mini Makes Its Retail Debut

Plenty of Mac Minis on hand at San Francisco Apple store, but dozens hoping to buy an iPod Shuffle go home empty handed.


Does Your iPod Play Favorites?

My first iPod seemed to have a fondness for Steely Dan, while other artists were sent into exile.

PC To Mac... And Back

Unless Longhorn, the upcoming iteration of Windows, is both more stable and more virus-protected than Windows XP, Macintosh computers will continue to have the better operating system.

My Mac Mini And Me

The lesson from Apple should be taken seriously. Steve Jobs is a college dropout, not an MBA. But (unlike many MBAs) Steve is smart enough to know that if you build good products and market them, people will come — they'll even line up in front of your store on weekends.

Open The 'Pod Bay Doors, Steve

This is about a marketplace that needs to be free.


Tips For Installing iPhoto 5

Back up your existing iPhoto Libraries on to an external hard drive before you launch iPhoto 5.

A Surprising New Mini-Player In The Music Game

What I can't quite figure out is which iPod is best. I suppose Apple would prefer we collected them all.


Rumor Today: New iPods and iPods Mini

According to Apple's favorite rumormonger, the next iPod mini may have a 5GB disk, or it may have a 8GB or 10 GB disks. One's never too sure. Meanwhile, the next (regular) iPod will be silver in color, rather than white, probably to give it that oh-so-premium look that can commands a higher price.


Microsofft Struggles To Sell Self As Growth Stock

After transforming itself into a blue-chip stock with predictable dividends, Microsoft faces its toughest sales pitch ever — convincing investors it's still a growth stock.

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