
Mac news for Mac people

Friday, February 04, 2005


iPod Boom Is Music To Retailers' Ears

Analysts are predicting the 'iPod economy' will generate sales worth hundreds of millions of pounds this year.

iPod Shuffle Stickers

You've plunked down your hard earned money on an elusive iPod shuffles, but it looks like everyone else's. What is a stylish technogeek to do?

Apple Leaving Open orders Unresolved?

Essentially, [the] order got lost somewhere between Apple and FedEx, neither is willing to take responsibility, and Apple is not moving on the issue.

Apple Retests Its Consumer IQ

Even some of those bullish on Apple's future admit to some doubts about whether the company can maintain its momentum.

Apple Reduces Prices On Refurb, New Macs


I Want A Lighter PowerBook!

I'm willing to pay a financial premium, but not a mass premium. Where's my 3.5 lb (or less!) Mac notebook?

Subscription Model Killing iTunes? Yawn

Apple: It May Be Too Late To Take A Bite

Besides a reflected glow as part-owner of today's most glamorous gadgeteer, what does 77 a share get an Apple buyer?

Apple's Mac Mini And Me

Apple's been burned by a very similar machine in the past and doesn't want to get burned again. There's also the question — at least in the stores — of the mini stealing sales from more profitable products.

Thanks For The Memory

Apple has delivered a superb operating system and world-class applications. Now it needs to make available machines with the installed memory to take full advantage of both that OS and those applications right out of the box.


Portable Audio For Snobs

How to make your iPod an audiophile's dream.

DEVONagent Rushes In Where Google Fears To Tread

DEVONagent searches intelligently so that you don't have to, and presents the results with crystal clarity, slicing through the murk of the Internet, showing you just what you wanted to know.


Rent Music? Why Not Buy? Or Better Still... Get Free Music

I believe Steve Jobs was right, when he assessed music rental via the Internet will not make business sense, but not because of the reason he cited. (If I recall correctly, he claimed that "consumers" will rather buy, than rent, tunes.)

We do want to hear new music. That's one reason why radio was popular. But music rental faces extremely tough competitioin: from both radio — which is still mainly free, and podcasts such as PodSafe Music and (ahem) MyAppleMenu Shuffle provides daily free music too.

Frisk Mint Case For iPod Shuffle

Gizmodo: Someone in Japan has discovered that Frisk-brand mints make a perfectly-sized case for the iPod shuffle.

But, really, you still cannot chew on your iPod shuffle.

When I Do Have A Screen

When Flash memory's price starts dropping and capacity starts increasing, Apple might well be forced to put a display on its iPod shuffle. And this is what it might look like.


Richard Feynman: The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool.


It's Windows Vs. Windows As Microsoft Battles Piracy

In an effort to boost sales of Windows, Microsoft has its sights set on its nearest competitor. But it's not Linux. And sorry, Apple Computer fans, it's not the Mac. The biggest rival to WIndows sales is Windows itself — or rather pirated copies of the OS. ANd Microsoft is starting to put its foot down.

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