
Mac news for Mac people

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Ripped Off?

As record firms and Apple fight over iPod downloads, music lovers lose out.

Hollywood Holds Its Breath

Police Report Increase In iPod Thefts

Video iPod's Effect On Cable Uncertain

If it becomes popular enough, the video iPod could begin to "raise the value of television programming in the mind of the consumer."

New 'Guilding Light' Podcasts Aim For A Younger Audience

As its audience shrinks, "Guilding Light" is making a sales pitch to a new generation of viewers: If you can't spend an hour watching a soap opera every afternoon, how about listening to a shorter version on your iPod during the morning commute?

Apple Faces Hard Time Wooing Hollywood To New Video iPod

Apple chief Steve Jobs faces a far tougher task wooing film and television producers to create shows for the new video iPod than he did in the music industry as many questions remain over content and pricing, industry executives say.

Apple Reposts Eminem iPod+iTunes Ad Online


Et Tu, Video iPod?

The new video iPod so far doesn't seem different enough from many similar past devices that underestimated the public's willingness to embrace a portable unit that requires a home computer.

Devices In Place: Waiting For Vodcasts

Mobile TV, The New 'Recipe Solution'

There's a huge future market for mobile video, but it will be a limited market until wireless technology evolves.

Steve Jobs, iPods And TV In The Bathroom

"I'd imagine that you saw the press conference today. Let this be a lesson to you, don't mess with Apple."

Apple's Backup App Is Shit

You read right: there's no way to actually use backups made with Backup in any sane fashion.

The Day The Earth Shook

For the Mac community, the Loma Prieta quake took two victims in particular.

Why It's Wrong To Predict Failure For The Video iPod

The introduction of a video iPod marks the dawn of an exciting time in the evolution of popular art.


Dreamweaver 8: Solid Web-Authoring Program Features Greater Stability, Faster Performance, And New Design Tools

It is the best Dreamweaver version I've seen so far, and I highly recommend it.

Hands-On With iTunes 6: Explore The Music Player's New Features

iPod-Ready Videos? Not So Fast, And Not So Clear

Think twice about transferring full-length movies to the iPod.


Yes sir, We Are Apple Fan Boys

A Boy And His Computer: Announcing the Apple iProduct. You'll buy it. And you'll like it.

View Full-screen? Don't I Need The Pro Version?

This can probably be considered an urban legend, but, yes, you do can watch QuickTime movies in full-screen without paying Apple to upgrade your QuickTime Player to the pro version.

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