
Mac news for Mac people

Monday, November 6, 2006


New MacBook Model Info Leaks?

A Monk For Your Mac

Boulder Mac Repair owner Sean Patrick has a mind for business, but as an ordained Theravadan monk — he has anything but business on his mind.

CSU Students Can Access Classes Via Podcasts

Thought Out's KEY Will Turn 2G Shuffle Into Memory Stick

The premise is sime: on one side, it has the shuffle's headphone connector, and on the other side it has a standard USB plug.

New And Improved

Absolute Shisen-Sho: Easy to learn, but with three difficulty settings the game remains a challenge to master.

Android: Giant fun in a tiny universe.


On Mac SO X Viruses

What this newborn Mac OS X virus essentially demonstrates is merely a manifestation of how operating systems work.

Xserve Xeon, Thumper, And Apple's Market Position

What's happend in the two and a half years since my earlier review? Mactel - with the result that Apple fell from leading the market on both price and performance to trailing the market on both price and performance.

The Delicious Generation

I don't know that I completely trust the market to sort things out.

My Top X Unlikely Requests For Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

Apple's Push Into The SME Market Is Most Welcome

The sector needs the vendor's assistance.


My Hands-On With 2G iPod Shuffle (Plus My First Unpacking Set!)

Where the iPod shuffle succeeds is in ruggedness, wearability and surprising you with songs you haven't heard in years.

A Sneak Peek At The New iPod Shuffle

If you are willing to surrender yourself to the serendipity of shuffle mode, the new Shuffle is superior to the old one in just about every way.

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